Matthew 9:36 says of the way Jesus saw people, "When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd."

There are two things we need to be faithful in regarding evangelism: 1-the message 2-engaging people with the message

Does the message of the gospel move you and motivate you every day? If not, start there. The late Jerry Bridges is famous for saying, "preach the gospel to yourself daily". Understanding your daily need for the gospel gives a clear vision for your neighbors need for the gospel as well.

Secondly, do you live among people mindlessly or do you live with a realization that there are many that are wandering their way through life on a journey to destruction with no one caring for the eternal destination of their soul?

Start simple. Even if it is to say hi or how is your day going, engage people. That might take them by surprise but take a second when you are with people and look around and allow God's perspective about people to change your perspective about people.

We are called to be faithful stewards of the message we've been given. We are called faithfully proclaim it and make disciples.

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