
This time of year is better than most for becoming intentional with neighborhood evangelism.

  • There is a lot of yardwork to be done, so talk with them when outside. I used to "get the mail" even when I knew none was there, just to chat with a neighbor if I saw them outside
  • A pile of leaves in the front yard is very inviting to neighbor kids.
  • Each family has different thoughts on trick or treating - but consider it an opportunity to better meet your neighbors instead of hanging out in the basement with the lights out or going to a church "trunk or treat" event - salt needs to mixed about the dish, not all concentrated in one spot.
  • Consider hosting/throwing an evangelistic Christmas party - now is the time to start planning and as you run into neighbors ask holiday plans and mention you are thinking of hosting a party. If you need help on this, Ruth and I have done one and are doing one this year.

I want to remind us all that unbelievers are not merely separated from Christ when they die - they don't simply stop existing and only miss out on the goodness of God. They enter a place of eternal darkness and torment were there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. This is serious - the stakes are high. Keeping their two options (lake of fire or heaven, that is it) in mind, helps intentionality. We must not lose perspective of this.

While we enter the holidays and fall season, there is often a nostalgic sense of excitement and focusing on our families. Drawing near to a fire... more time inside in the evenings since it's getting darker earlier. Making Thanksgiving plans and whatever else. It is a blessed season - but the next few months are easy to get wrapped up in ourselves and forget about the lost. Those who are outsiders, strangers, cut off from God's family... separated and without hope. Yes, focus on your family, but would you invite others in? Have neighbors over for dinner - invite them on hayrides, crop mazes, pumpkin patches, cider festivals - bring them with you!

Christian fellowship is a blessed thing, but we have an eternity together - what about your neighbor that God put you next to for this time in your life?

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