
The average house in the United States has 40 light bulbs. I just googled that so this week I went and counted all the light bulbs in my house. Ready? We have 66 lights in our house! Yeah, the salesman did a good job selling light fixtures to our home builder. Now, imagine if the salesman told the home builder, "The latest trend in lighting, is to put all these pretty light fixtures up but then I've got baskets that will hide them. Yep, we just cover that beautiful light right up with this fancy basket."

I'm guessing no one would be buying what the salesman is selling because that wouldn't make any sense at all. Put up a nice light and then cover it with a basket. If you like the basket better, just put that up, right?

A reply to the salesman might sound something like this: "I actually really want to display all these lights to maximize their effectiveness at lighting up the darkness. I want to display the light, do you have any cool stands, fixtures or chandeliers that might really accentuate and display the light well?

This is basically what Jesus is talking about in Matthew 5:15.
Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house.

If you are in Christ, He has lit your wick. You are a light. Display it.
Questions to consider this week:
How do you display Christ in your life for others to see?
Are you ever tempted to cover your light?
In what ways could you accentuate your light more?

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